July 26, 2024 |


Take a Lulav (Shake Shake Shake)


Hoshanot for Shabbat (could adapt to other Hoshanot): with melody 1 and with melody 2





Yom Tov Maariv

Yom Tov Morning:


Amida Ledor Vador

LeDavid Mizmor

Megillah Trope for Shir Hashirim (Song of Songs), Kohelet (Ecclesiastes), and Ruth:

Trope families 1-3 (Etnachta, Sof Pasuk, and Katon)

Trope families 4-6 (Kadma V’azla, Revi’i, Darga Tevir)

Trope family 7 (telisha ketana etc)