January 12, 2025 |

Daily Minyan

Here are recordings  for the daily services, for those who would like to lead them, or to better be able to follow along.  Each service or part of a service has its own nusach, which includes the mode of the scale, melodies, and motifs often used.

Shacharit: (the morning service)

Pesukei Dezimra: (opening psalms, the first part of Shacharit)

  1. Intro
  2. Birchot Hashachar (p.6)
  3. End of Birchot Hashachar (p. 6)
  4. Ashreinu (p. 7)
  5. Psalm 30 (p. 14)
  6. Baruch She’amar (p. 16)
  7. Chronicles (p. 17-19)
  8. Mizmor LeTodah+ (p. 20)
  9. Ashrei (21-22)
  10. Psalms 146-9 (p. 22-25)
  11. Psalm 150 (p. 25 in middle)
  12. Baruch Adonai (p. 25-6)
  13. Shirat Hayam (p. 27)

The Middle Part of Shacharit: (shema & amida)

Note: announced page numbers may be different than the siddur we use.

  1. Yishtabach (p. 29)
  2. Chatsi Kaddish (p. 29)
  3. Bar’chu (p. 30)
  4. Vechulam (p. 31)
  5. Ahava Raba (p. 32)
  6. Shema and V’ahavta (p. 33)
  7. Tzitzit paragraph (p. 34)
  8. Blessing After Shema (p. 34)
  9. Tehilot (p. 35)
  10. Weekday Amida (p. 36b)
  11. Kedusha (p. 37)
  12. Chatsi Kaddish (p. 64)
  13. Taking Out Torah (p. 65)
  14. Putting Back Torah (p. 76)
  15. Eitz Chayim (p. 77)

End of Shacharit: 

  1. Ashrei+ (p. 78)
  2. Kedusha Desidra (p. 79-81)
  3. Kaddish Shalem (p. 82)
  4. Aleinu (p. 83)
  5. Shehu Noteh Shamayim (by Rabbi Shira Shazeer)
  6. Al Kein
  7. Psalms of the Day

Mincha (the afternoon service):

  1. Ashrei (beginning & end)
  2. Chatsi Kaddish
  3. Amida first page
  4. Amida– Kedusha
  5. Full Kaddish
  6. Aleinu

Ma’ariv (the evening service):

  1. Blessings Before Shema
  2. Shema & V’ahavta
  3. Blessings After Shema
  4. Chatsi Kaddish
  5. Talk through full kaddish, aleinu, then Psalm 27
  6. Final thoughts and pointers

Alternative Tunes/Davening for Shacharit

  1. p. 7 Ashreinu
  2. p. 14 Eilecha
  3. p. 20 Ivdu et Hashem