February 18, 2025 |

Shabbat Programs

Friday Night @ TI

Weekly Friday night services @ TI are at 5:45 p.m, short and sweet with a lot of singing. We often hold First Friday services and dinners for families with young kids on the first Friday night of the month.  Sprinkled throughout the year are special services and dinners for our teens, our community, and special events. Please contact the office for details and to RSVP.

Shabbat Morning

Our Shabbat morning service is warm and participatory.  We begin at 9:15 with psalms and songs, recite the Shema around 9:45, and begin the Torah service a little after 10:00.  TI prides itself on its strong corps of Torah readers.  Rabbi Weiss or Rav Hazzan Richmond shares a word of Torah around 11:15, and we try to finish by noon for kiddush, a bite to eat and shmoozing with old and new friends.  We often celebrate a B Mitzvah, baby-naming, anniversaries or birthdays.  There is a chance to offer a prayer for loved ones who are in need of healing.  Children are always welcome.  We have prayer books that are fully transliterated in English letters for those who prefer these.

We hold Youth Services once or twice a month during the school year, with Tot Shabbat for families of children 5 and under, Mini-Minyan for children grades K-2, and Jr. Congregation for grades 3-6.  The services are led by a combination of professional and talented parent volunteers, with some help from our teens.  Here are the dates for 2024-2025.  Please contact the office with any questions. We have special youth programming on the High Holidays and other holidays.

Youth lounge: on non-youth service weeks, a youth lounge is open upstairs for kids and families to hang out and play games, from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Saturday Afternoon

We have services each Saturday afternoon, 5:30- 6:00 p.m in the chapel.  During Daylight Standard Time, an evening ma’ariv service is followed by Havdalah.  During Daylight Savings Time, our Shabbat afternoon mincha service includes a Torah reading. During much of the year, our 5:30 service is preceded by a study session at 4:45 PM led by Dr. Alan Avery-Peck.