January 23, 2025 |


Here is the schedule of events for 2016-7


Our mission is to strengthen traditional Judaism by furthering the spiritual, material and social interests of Sisterhood and the Temple, advancing Jewish education in the congregational affiliated groups, emphasizing the Jewish religious practices of the home, and aiding charitable groups to promote a spirit of civic cooperation.

Sisterhood’s calendar features many events. Sisterhood typically holds general meetings in September, October, January, March and April. General meetings are free and open to everyone. During November we host a Paid-Up Supper which is an evening of dinner and entertainment. It is free and open only to those Sisterhood members who have paid their dues for that year. Donor Dinner is an annual favorite that is held in May. This fund-raising event, which is open to everyone, often includes boutiques, raffles, a catered meal, and entertainment.

Sisterhood proudly sponsors many Temple-wide events. Sisterhood provides a Kiddush each Shabbat when there is no other sponsor. We also provide Kiddushim for Passover, Succot and Shavuot, as well as the break-fast for the first born prior to Passover. Sisterhood sponsors the Tu B’Shevat seder, and a congregational luncheon on Succot. Sisterhood also provides the Oneg at the Friday night service held on the first Friday of the month from October through May. Sisterhood Shabbat is also an annual favorite. Typically held during the winter, this Shabbat program features Sisterhood women participating in the service, a guest speaker, and a congregational luncheon.

Sisterhood also strengthens our Temple Israel community through its support of numerous aspects of synagogue life and life-cycle events. For example, Sisterhood offers financial support to the Temple for operating expenses, youth programming, the Hakol, and babysitting on Shabbat. Sisterhood also offers scholarships to children of its members for USY on wheels and summer trips to Israel through an approved youth program that are at least four weeks in duration. We also present gifts to parents of new babies and to youth becoming B’nai Mitzvot.

Our extensive Leagram program enables members of our community to support each other by acknowledging simchot, and offering comfort during times of illness or loss.  Sisterhood operates a Judaica Shop at the Temple that offers a wide variety of Judaic products, including items for all of the holidays.

Sisterhood is also involved in numerous social action and community-based projects. Sisterhood prepares three dinners each year for the Open Door program, which provides meals to those in need in the community. Other social actions programs have included supporting our troops in Iraq, providing Chanukah presents to children in need, and collecting toiletries for local shelters. We also hold a rummage sale in November and May which is open to the community. The leftover clothing and items are given away to various charitable organizations for distribution. Sisterhood supports the Jewish Theological Seminary through its Torah Fund projects, and makes donations to a variety of charitable organizations.


Sisterhood Weekly Constant Contact 

Week of May 24