The service is scheduled for 10:00 AM-noon.
10:00 We will sing opening prayers, Shema, and the Amida
10:45 Torah reading, with a question to answer after each portion. We will skip the Haftarah.
11:15 We will include a full complement of shofar blasts. The musaf service will consist of liturgical highlights and Rabbi Liben will tell stories to introduce the sets of shofar blasts. Rav Shira will play guitar and we hope to do some enthusiastic singing.
Everyone is invited !! We are not holding our usual Youth or Young Family Services on day 2 so that these children and their families can join us in the tent. We will be providing babysitting in the school wing from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM for children 18 months and above. Also, you may leave your child/ren with babysitters at noon for a snack during the sermon.
If you enjoy being with lots of children and would like to try out this more informal service, with songs, stories, and guitar playing, please join us!
If you choose to attend the Family Service, please join us in the tent on the second day of Rosh Hashanah. If you decide not to attend the Family Service, there will be open seating in the social hall. Come a few minutes early to get a good seat! Open seating will not be available in the Sanctuary.
We will use the Lev Shalem Mahzor, which includes translations, transliterations, and interesting readings. We will skip around much more than in the traditional services.
Rabbi Liben will deliver his sermon shortly after noon (12:10-ish), after the conclusion of the family service. Families with young children have the option of leaving them with babysitters during the sermon. We will try to leave a few minutes for people to move from outside to inside or vice versa before the sermon.
Rabbi Dan Liben & Rav Shira Shazeer
Rabbi Liben and Cantor Richmond will lead the beginning of the service in the sanctuary. At the start of the family service in the tent, Cantor Richmond will continue to lead the service in the sanctuary and social hall while Rabbi Liben and Rav Shira lead the family service. At the conclusion of the family service, the Rabbi will return to the main building to complete the remainder of the service with Cantor Richmond and will deliver his sermon.