February 13, 2025 |

About Our Religious School

Want to know what’s happening in our Education Program?

Read our Blog: http://tioneducation.blogspot.com

Follow us on Twitter: @TIofNatick_Edu

Religious School Registration for 5780/2019-2020

To register for next year Click HERE

Check out TI’s Omer Project and Creative Arts Pilot: https://vimeo.com/172846198

Stay tuned for a new and improved website for our Education Program!


Temple Israel prides itself in providing a comprehensive, multi-faceted education program for its youth from Kindergarten through Grade 12. The Religious School, under the leadership of Director of Education & Teen Engagement Robin Kahn, provides a broad-based, inclusive Jewish curriculum.  We are currently a CJP Pilot site and are working with them on bringing the best 21st century ideas into our Hebrew School.  Call us at 508-650-3521 with questions! You can register online here.


Here is our educational vision for the religious school within the context of the temple community:

Temple Israel of Natick inspires an enthusiasm and love for Judaism. Jewish learning at Temple Israel is limitless, ageless, and stretches beyond our classroom walls. We recognize and appreciate that each member has a unique Jewish educational journey. Our clergy, educators, lay leaders, and members form a community of learners who accompany each other on paths of lifelong learning.

Subscribe to our blog to see what’s happening in our Education Program!

About our Curriculum:

Students in Kindergarten and Grade 1 attend the Religious School on Sunday mornings where they learn about Jewish holidays, sing songs, learn Hebrew letters and begin learning prayers. They often do creative projects and participate with the older students in school-wide celebrations.

Beginning in Grade 2 and continuing through Grade 7, all students attend classes on Sundays and one weekday afternoon. Periodically throughout the year, students and their families participate in our Shabbat morning program. There are lively discussions on the weekly Torah portion and opportunities to learn about Jewish life throughout the world today.  Grade 2, the “Bet” class, participates in a Consecration ceremony in which the families make heirloom wimpels, or Torah binders.

The components of our curriculum include Hebrew literacy, Torah study, Mitzvot (good deeds), Holidays and Prayer. Jewish values and principles of Jewish lifeare interwoven into all of these components. The skills that are taught remain with the students and are used throughout their lives.

Our education strongly prepares students for Bar/Bat Mitzvah and beyond. Our 6th grade class studies all year with Cantor Ken, learning to chant Torah and they read Torah at Family Shabbat services and on the holiday of Shavuot.  Many students become proficient Torah readers and participate regularly in Shabbat services. Students develop a strong Jewish identity and connection with the Temple community.

For the past two decades, the Religious School has been in the forefront of Special Education. Through our Learning Center, we provide support services for students with special needs, which are overseen by the Learning Specialist. We are very proud of our commitment to provide a high quality education to all Jewish children. Our well-qualified, dedicated faculty includes involvement from our Rabbi, including monthly Israeli dancing, a highlight for our students. Opportunities exist for parents to learn with their children in family-focused programming held throughout the year.

The Education Committee, made up of volunteers and the Education Director, supports the school, sets policies and aids in fundraising events.